he stories you can tell in a film are a fraction of what you can do in a book. What's irritating is that you then do these things, and films have their own kind of structure. The thing dictates certain paces, no matter what you do. That's only because we're trying to make a film that reaches people; I mean I don't try to make a film for me -- I can... See more
On his personal website, he wrote, "My new book, The Joke's Over, emerged as a form of therapy after the shock of sudden death following the suicide of my friend of 35 years, Hunter S Thompson.
"He always said that he would do it but that does not prepare you for the reality of the brutal act.
"As I once printed on a brown paper bag in handset type, ... See more
Q: Who are your favorite artists in any genre, classic or contemporary? Your favorite writers? Where did you get those shoes?
A: It has to be Goya ‘s Caprichios at the time of the Spanish Inquisition and the Napoleonic Wars. (See Milos Foreman ‘s Goya’s Ghosts which shows the awesome connections.) I love Picasso ‘s freedom. Leonardo da Vinci, of cou... See more
Q: In Wayne Ewing ‘s documentary, Breakfast with Hunter , you stated that, in your opinion, readers of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas believed the artist and author to be one and the same. You also stated that without your drawings nobody would have noticed the story. Do you believe this or were you just trying to get a rise out of Hunter?