Danielle Vermeer


Co-Founder & CEO of Teleport. Writer of Goodwill Hunting, a newsletter hunting the best pre-loved fashion finds, insights, and jobs. 11+ years of buying no new clothes.
  • from The Expanding Job by Anne Helen Petersen

  • from Community-Led Growth Nirvana by Femstreet

  • from Keeping your slice of the pie - The Startup Founder's Guide to Equity - Part I by Yin Wu

  • from The Marketplace 100: 2022 by Brandon Barros

  • from Goodwill Hunting #06: how aggregation theory applies to resale fashion by Goodwill Hunting

  • from The Guardian by The Guardian

  • from Self-Publishing: Write in Public, Presales, Podcasts

  • from Bio-inspired textiles promote sustainable fashion by Phys.org

  • from That's a Stress Response by Anne Helen Petersen