
Joan Didion On Keeping a Notebook - Joan Didion

Phil added 4mo

Write what fascinates you

Brian Koppelmanbriankoppelman.com
Thumbnail of Write what fascinates you

Phil added 4mo

The First Draft of Anything is . . . (another questionable writing quote from Hemingway)

Thumbnail of The First Draft of Anything is . . . (another questionable writing quote from Hemingway)

Phil added 2mo

Preview of 2089-jpg

Phil added 3mo

"Why do I keep a notebook at all?"

Alex Dobrenko`open.substack.com
Thumbnail of "Why do I keep a notebook at all?"

Phil added 4mo

Phil added 2mo

The machine in the garden.

Emily Sundbergopen.substack.com
Thumbnail of The machine in the garden.

Phil added 3mo

On Keeping a Notebook - Joan Didion

Joan Didion reflects on the personal and introspective nature of keeping a notebook, delving into memory, self-reflection, and the significance of past experiences.


Phil added 4mo

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