
by juarry · updated 1mo ago

  • from The Complete Bullshit-Free and Totally Tested Writing Guide How to Make Publishers, Agents, Editors & Readers Fall in Love With Your Work by Gabe Berman

    juarry added 3mo ago

  • from in praise of slowing down

    juarry added 3mo ago

  • from Almost everyone I’ve met would be well-served thinking more about what to focus on by Henrik Karlsson

    juarry added 3mo ago

  • from Notes | Substack by Substack

    juarry added 3mo ago

  • from The Complete Bullshit-Free and Totally Tested Writing Guide How to Make Publishers, Agents, Editors & Readers Fall in Love With Your Work by Gabe Berman

    juarry added 3mo ago

  • from 3-2-1: On progress, friendship, and how to improve your writing

    juarry added 3mo ago

  • from Tweet by Dylano | Essayful

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  • from Check your Pulse #49 by Sari Azout

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