The weird thing is that the word “leader” itself is cliché and boring, but when you come across somebody who actually is a real leader, that person isn’t cliché or boring at all; in fact he’s sort of the opposite of cliché and boring.... See more
Obviously, a real leader isn’t just somebody who has ideas you agree with, nor is it just somebody you happen to be
David Foster Wallace on Leadership, Illustrated and Read by Debbie Millman
Reasons for procrastination
difficulty level
unstructured/ambiguous goal
lack of personal meaning
lack of intrinsic reward
A talented person can quickly become mediocre when you force them to be someone they aren’t.
To pay attention, this is our endless and proper work. - Mary Oliver
Bill Wurtz on HTML Energy
(Not Boring) Software Inc. • No More Boring Apps | (Not Boring) Software
Don’t do any task in order to get it over with. Resolve to do each job in a relaxed way, with all your attention. Enjoy and be one with your work.
—Thích Nhất Hạnh, The Miracle of Mindfulness: An Introduction to the Practice of Meditation
Jim Simons: "I’m not an extremely fast thinker myself; I just work hard."
That was all I needed to do—work hard, not fast. A paper I published in '68 took me five years. But it has had 1,850 citations. For a math paper, that’s an awful lot.
There’s too much emphasis on a person’s being able to answer questions quickly."
The Work of Art: How Something Comes from Nothing a book by ...