corporate jargon equals verbal play doh

by alexi gunner · updated 3mo ago

  • from Why do corporations speak the way they do? by Molly Young

    alexi gunner added 3mo ago

  • from 10 whimsical words coined by Lewis Carroll

    alexi gunner added 4mo ago

  • from Gaining Perspective Through Untranslatable Words by Steph Smith

    alexi gunner added 4mo ago

  • from Why do corporations speak the way they do? by Molly Young

    alexi gunner added 4mo ago

  • from What Counts as Seeing by ed yong

    alexi gunner added 4mo ago

  • from The monkey, the tiger beetle and the language of innovation by Courtney Hohne

    alexi gunner added 4mo ago

  • from Why do corporations speak the way they do? by Molly Young

    alexi gunner added 3mo ago

  • from Interview: Kevin Kelly, Editor, Author, and Futurist by Kevin Kelly

    alexi gunner added 4mo ago

  • from Pluralistic: 11 Apr 2022 – Pluralistic: Daily links from Cory Doctorow by Cory Doctorow

    alexi gunner added 4mo ago