-James Finley, Intimacy: The Divine Ambush
The Peace that Surpasses Understanding – Saint Barnabas
The Bible says, “Well-formed love banishes fear. Since fear is crippling, a fearful life — fear of death, fear of judgment — is one not yet fully formed in love.”4
Rick Warren • The Purpose Driven Life: What on Earth Am I Here For?
“Contemplation, understood in the light of a hologram universe, is not a special gift. It is simply seeing from the perspective of oneness, or in other words, from the level of our spiritual awareness. It can indeed be practiced, and over time, with sincerity and persistence, it becomes an abiding state of consciousness. At times this unitive seein
... See more“When word and silence are separated, the driveshaft grinds to a halt, and this deepening process is suspended. Severed from its nurturing ground in contemplative silence, word tends to become unduly analytical, linear, and dialectical. A vicious circle is set in motion. The farther one strays from the wellsprings of spiritual awareness and the see
... See more“Enlightenment is one humiliation after another.”