What stimulates change?
“Transform yourself to transform the world
adrienne maree brown • Emergent Strategy
The world, the values of the world, are shaped by the choices each of us makes. Which means my thinking, my actions, my relationships, and my life create a front line for the possibilities of the entire species. Each one of us is an individual practice ground for what the whole can or cannot do, will or will not do.
Adrienne Maree Brown • Murmurations: Returning to the Whole
That future is growing already within the hollow core of the old world. It is a future for humanity collectively, and it is a future for each of us individually, and for every level of society between and outside those poles: intimate relations, community relations, political relations, ecological relations. The work before us is to weave a new bro... See more
2023: The More Beautiful World our Hearts Know is Possible
the human heart—and the process of the human heart returning—not a human heart who understands everything and holds all the seeds of wisdom for the new world and the new era inside of it. No, that’s arrogance. But a human heart who is learning again how to be. Because we as individuals, we as human hearts, we as spiritual hearts, we can be like tim... See more
Emmanuel Vaughan-Lee • Remembering Earth Time – A Talk by Emmanuel Vaughan-Lee
How is the knowledge that is needed to help keep a thread alive, as this world comes to an end and a new one comes into being—how is that going to stay alive? It’s going to be through what is held within the human being and community. Human beings in relationship with other human beings
Emmanuel Vaughan-Lee • Remembering Earth Time – A Talk by Emmanuel Vaughan-Lee
an invitation to step more and more into experience. We cannot change the world through a mental construct. We cannot change the world through words alone
Emmanuel Vaughan-Lee • Remembering Earth Time – A Talk by Emmanuel Vaughan-Lee
André Gide that says “One doesn’t discover new lands without consenting to lose sight of the shore for a very long time.”
Mille Bojer • Facilitation isn’t magic
Buckminster Fuller says, you don't change things by fi ghting the existing reality, you build something new that makes the existing model obsolete
Samantha Power • The Great Simplification
We see the world as we are
—Anaiis Nin
In these urgent times, we need to become the storm that topples the senescent, destructive economies so the new can emerge.
The gap edges, or ecotones, where two ecosystems, the new and the old, meet, are among the most diverse and productive of ecosystems, full of berries and birds.
Robin Wall Kimmerer, the Serviceberry