Web3 Skepticism

Web3 Skepticism

Skeptic thoughts on crypto, web3 and decentralization.

Yishai Ofek and

NFTs Were Supposed to Protect Artists. They Don't. - The Atlantic

Anil Dashtheatlantic.com
Thumbnail of NFTs Were Supposed to Protect Artists. They Don't. - The Atlantic

Rekt - Leaderboard

Thumbnail of Rekt - Leaderboard

Decentralized Autonomous Organizations: Beyond the Hype

Thumbnail of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations: Beyond the Hype

BBC World Service - The Compass, Money, Money, Money, Money, money, money: Trust

The Compassbbc.co.uk
Thumbnail of BBC World Service - The Compass, Money, Money, Money, Money, money, money: Trust

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

Max Chafkinbloomberg.com

Opinion | A Crypto Optimist Meets a Crypto Skeptic (Published 2021)
