Thought provoking

by evanovich · updated 17d ago

  • Preview of 2741-jpeg

    evanovich added 17d ago

  • evanovich added 19d ago

  • You don't know how bad most things are nor precisely how they're bad. — LessWrong

    by Solenoid_Entity

    Thumbnail of You don't know how bad most things are nor precisely how they're bad. — LessWrong

    evanovich added 1mo ago

  • evanovich added 1mo ago

  • Preview of www-instagram-com-p-c-bppc-vc1z

    the weirder, the better

    evanovich added 1mo ago

  • from The Myth of Normal: Trauma, Illness, and Healing in a Toxic Culture by Gabor Mate

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  • from Psychic Shit Happens All The Time by Kristin Posehn

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  • from Psychic Shit Happens All The Time by Kristin Posehn

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  • from A brief digression into Kant’s Transcendental Idealism by From Narrow To General AI

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  • from Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol S. Dweck

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