words to live by
“The world's big and I want to have a good look at it before it gets dark.”
—John Muir
One of my favorite #quotes.
And our experience is that a single winning decision can make a breathtaking difference over time. (Think GEICO as a business decision, Ajit Jain as a managerial decision and my luck in finding Charlie Munger as a one-of-a-kind partner, personal advisor and steadfast friend.) Mistakes fade away; winners can forever blossom.
printmgr file
Warren Buffett

From Show Your Work! by Austin Kleon.

Source: Farnam Street
“December is the toughest month of the year. Others are July, January, September, April, November, May, March, June, October, August, and February.”
—Attributed to Mark Twain (no one seems to know for sure if he actually said this, but in any case it’s a good line)
Be as you wish to seem.
—Socrates (attributed)

“What focus means is saying ‘No’ to something that you—with every bone in your body—you think is a phenomenal idea. And you wake up thinking about it. But you say ‘No’ to it, because you’re focusing on something else.”
Quote by: Sir Jony Ive, discussing Steve Jobs .
Jonathan Yagel • 1, #102 - A hard 'No'
Be dangerous, its careful out there