sparks ⚡️
Let’s expand the concept of “elite”in the way that Hughes meant it, not as the condescension of class but as the elevation of the mind and the preservation of standards.
As we enter a period of unmitigated crassness in public life, I find myself guiltily dreaming of frivolity and luxury.
Controlling search means controlling how most people access every other digital thing—it’s an incredible platform to gain trust and visibility, advertise, or influence public opinion.
In time, Bosker too started “viewing the everyday the way I looked at art,” with considered attention, openness. Elsewhere she writes:
“Beauty is that moment when your mind jumps the curb. Beauty is the instant you sit up and start paying attention. Whatever makes that happen for you can be beautiful. … But you have to be open to seeing it. Beauty d... See more
“Beauty is that moment when your mind jumps the curb. Beauty is the instant you sit up and start paying attention. Whatever makes that happen for you can be beautiful. … But you have to be open to seeing it. Beauty d... See more
Rob Walker • One More Thing
POSSE - publish (on your) own site, syndicate elsewhere
Misogyny isn’t about hating or discriminating against women because they are women and thus attract suspicion and consternation. Misogyny is about exposing women to harm because our gender makes us beneath full consideration. Misogyny is primarily something we face, not something people feel in their hearts.
Kate Manne • Broken Bones: America’s Violent Indifference toward Women
The elevated levels of sadness and fear are, I believe, at least in part the result of our philosophically sedentary lifestyle.
Art has a social purpose [and] art belongs to the people. It’s not something that is hanging out there that has no connection with the needs of man. And art is unashamedly, unembarrassingly, if there is such a word, social. It is political; it is economic. The total life of man is reflected in his art.
The personal is political
beauty is not a luxury
John O'Donohue • John O’Donohue — The Inner Landscape of Beauty
If media companies can’t figure out how to be the bundlers, other layers of the ecosystem — telecoms, devices, social platforms — will.