sparks ⚡️
Let’s expand the concept of “elite”in the way that Hughes meant it, not as the condescension of class but as the elevation of the mind and the preservation of standards.
As we enter a period of unmitigated crassness in public life, I find myself guiltily dreaming of frivolity and luxury.
The elevated levels of sadness and fear are, I believe, at least in part the result of our philosophically sedentary lifestyle.
What do you mean when you write that everyone is an artist?
I mean that everyone is involved, whether they like it or not, in the construction of their world. So it’s never as given as it actually looks; you’re always shaping it and building it. And I feel that from that perspective, that each of us is an artist.
What do you mean when you write that everyone is an artist?
I mean that everyone is involved, whether they like it or not, in the construction of their world. So it’s never as given as it actually looks; you’re always shaping it and building it. And I feel that from that perspective, that each of us is an artist.
John O'Donohue • John O’Donohue — The Inner Landscape of Beauty
Controlling search means controlling how most people access every other digital thing—it’s an incredible platform to gain trust and visibility, advertise, or influence public opinion.
In time, Bosker too started “viewing the everyday the way I looked at art,” with considered attention, openness. Elsewhere she writes:
“Beauty is that moment when your mind jumps the curb. Beauty is the instant you sit up and start paying attention. Whatever makes that happen for you can be beautiful. … But you have to be open to seeing it. Beauty d... See more
“Beauty is that moment when your mind jumps the curb. Beauty is the instant you sit up and start paying attention. Whatever makes that happen for you can be beautiful. … But you have to be open to seeing it. Beauty d... See more
Rob Walker • One More Thing
To paraphrase Marshall McLuhan, first you shape your mask(s) and thereafter, your mask(s) shape you. Just as an IRL costume or mask changes the way you carry yourself, a digital garment can transform your thought processes and habits of mind
Aaron Z. Lewis • Being Your Selves: Identity R&D on alt Twitter
At the same time, from the very beginning, the land of the free has also been about the freedom to make and spend money. America put God on our money, but for many Americans, money is God.
The Atlantic
the best software products aren’t just assemblages of functionality, exposed by particular formal elements (links, buttons, icons, menus). Rather, they organize and shape how you think, and they create or sustain a particular lifestyle
Celine Nguyen • research as leisure activity
Luxury exists in the social and cultural exchange system, not in a market segment. It is glib to think that a different market growth strategy will save luxury. To save itself, luxury needs to regain its cultural power.
Ana Andjelic • How luxury lost its soft power
beauty is not a luxury