things that made me go hmm/woah
Devotion is desire transmuted across time into love. It is an elevation of attention; a singleness of purpose, but in service to something greater than ourselves.
Kristin Posehn • Unpacking the Mystery of Ramanujan's Dreams
my little life of optionality—my malleable, absorbent dunnage which lessens the shock of surprises, avoids pain and prevents breakage. No commitments, nobody counting on me, no one to disappoint and no one to disappoint me. Still, if life becomes intolerable—a measure which is lowered with each available treatment, each magical distraction—I have a... See more
Pain & Surprise
To live, to err, to fall, to triumph, to recreate life out of life.
A quote from A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
Look for things that everyone likes, things that “transcend identity”, like nature, sports, health, art, food, etc.
Natalie Audelo • Highlight - Sublime
It wasn’t until I read “The Wisdom Way of Knowing,” by Cynthia Bourgeault, an Episcopal priest, that I began to wonder if something was getting lost in our culture’s emphasis on time management. In the book, Ms. Bourgeault describes her rationale for how she organized a retreat for participants seeking to deepen their spirituality: “On Eagle Island... See more
Lydia Sohn • Opinion | The Household Chores You’re Avoiding Are Key to a Deeper Life
There's a moment when a person starts fearing the shoddy, half-lived life of indulged anxiety more than the cold millstone of courage, and something instantly changes in them. They become spiritually taller and three times as attractive
You should compete against what someone else could be doing, not just what you can see people doing.”
Lenny Rachitsky • Business Building - A collection on Sublime
What would your life look like if you actually had no agency around each problem you are currently facing. Describe the details of a zero agency life.
Joe Hudson • Tweet
Miller begins by considering the true measure of youthfulness:
If at eighty you’re not a cripple or an invalid, if you have your health, if you still enjoy a good walk, a good meal (with all the trimmings), if you can sleep without first taking a pill, if birds and flowers, mountains and sea still inspire you, you are a most fortunate individual and... See more