Things that disappoint me
But at the last moment Americansky withdraw their troops. Turkey too withdraw. NATO collapse. And Europeans will have to fight big war against Russia on their own. Is why there are... See more
Liz Brautigan • (23) Quora
It’s all so depressing - why the fuck do we do this instead of directing resources to the less fortunate in our own countries?! And yes I’m naive and this is parody (probably) but yes - it’s all so disappointing…
Carl Sagan’s ‘Foreboding of an America’

New billboard in LA’s Valley - kinda feels like “USA 2025”
Angus Hervey • The End of Inevitability
Angus Hervey • The End of Inevitability
The #1 Custom Bedtime Story Generator and Narrator
sleepytales.aiI don’t know how to feel about it this - on one hand it seems interesting and probably more engaging for the kids - yet on the other it feels like another tool that’s creating distance between the humans. The memories of reading to my kids - making up stories for them etc is a treasure - to have it outsourced to an ai just - feels - - weird?!
Decentralization is an important substrate, the real pull is the increase in utility and value when an asset comes onchain turns into a money lego.
Whether an asset is blockchain-native or a real-world asset will matter less and less.
E... See more
Ken Deeter • Tweet
Greed will make the system, no? @victoriajane ?
In the book, Marx argues that:
- There is no human soci
Clicks & Clout: How We Seek Status In the Digital Age
Wrapping my head around this - what if status is not aspirational in nature?
Musicians compose their tracks with TikTok’s length in
mind, and then title them exclusively for SEO. The figure and ground have been reversed: artists don’t upload their music for distribution, they
make music for distribution.
Matt Klein • Page Not Found
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