going slow

going slow

calmness is a superpower and why we need to slow the fuck down.

Keely Adler and

alex added 4mo

sari added 1y

Dasha Nekrasova Jon Rafman and Dasha Nekrasova on the Horror We Call Life

gabriel added 1y

Jon Alexander Citizens: Why the Key to Fixing Everything is All of Us

Keely Adler added 6mo

11: Post-traumatic urbanism and radical indigenism

Thumbnail of 11: Post-traumatic urbanism and radical indigenism

Keely Adler added 2y

Bonfire catch-up.

lili added 9mo

Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World a book by David Epstein

David Epstein • 11 highlights

Cover of Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World a book by David Epstein

sari added 2y

Nabeel Qureshi How To Understand Things

sari added 1y

In Praise of Meditative TV

Jason Diamondgq.com
Thumbnail of In Praise of Meditative TV

Keely Adler added 3y