the curta calculator
David Szondy • Curta calculator: The mechanical marvel born in a Nazi death camp
An Interview with Curt Herzstark
Curt Herzstark discusses the history of the Austrian Calculating Machine Manufacturing Company, his father's inventions and the development of the CURTA hand-held calculator.
conservancy.umn.eduinterview w Herzstark
David Szondy • Curta calculator: The mechanical marvel born in a Nazi death camp
love how physical everything is - there was a mechanism built specifically to carry a number over
the phrase number crunching comes from how old calculators used to work
David Szondy • Curta calculator: The mechanical marvel born in a Nazi death camp
"Curious History Pocket Calculator"
The document discusses the history and features of the Curta calculator, an innovative mechanical pocket calculator invented by Curt Herzstark during his time in a concentration camp.
computarium.lcd.luCurta adds, subtracts, multiplies, divides, square and cube roots, continuous multiplication, negative multiplication, standard deviations and all statistical calculations, squares and higher powers, co-ordinates and associated land survey formulae, and every other computation arising in science and commerce. Available on a trial basis. Price $125.00. Write for literature.
David Szondy • Curta calculator: The mechanical marvel born in a Nazi death camp
insane that calculators are actually super recent