Technology, Tools & AI 🤖
The intimate, symbiotic relationship between humans and their technology
Technology, Tools & AI 🤖
The intimate, symbiotic relationship between humans and their technology
Technology is a genie in a bottle, and we're the ones holding the cork."
—Patrick Nielsen Hayden
“Technology is neither good nor bad; it is a mirror reflecting the society that created it.”
—Anita Borg
We become what we behold. We shape our tools, and thereafter our tools shape us.
― Marshall McLuhan
Humans abstract themselves from reality, drawn into the mirages of the metaverse. The machine, meanwhile, is learning to walk in our physical world, conquering the space we abandon. We have ceased to inhabit space.... See more
A world where education prepares us for a future that no longer exists. Where work produces nomadic bodies, minds evaporated into the c
The best tool for the job is the one you are most comfortable using.