Winston Churchill hit the nail on the head when he said, “Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.”
Ray Dalio • Principles: Life and Work
love this.
Viktor Frankl wrote dozens of books, but only one, Man’s Search For Meaning, was not aimed at commercial success. Frankl wrote Man’s Search For Meaning and published it anonymously. “And so it is both strange and remarkable to me,” Frankl wrote, that it became his most well-known and influential work. For the rest of his li
... See moremost of success comes from doing the mundane and often distasteful stuff, like identifying and dealing with problems and pushing hard over a long time.
Ray Dalio • Principles: Life and Work

Success means I get to do it again tomorrow. -Steve Albini

take all advice with a grain of salt
The Success Equation: Untangling Skill and Luck | Michael Mauboussin | Talks at Google
youtube.comthis talk will break your brain
Vivek Murthy — To Be a Healer
... See moreSuccess, Adele said she eventually realized, is like a “personality...[you have to consider] the whole package.” Your album can sweep the Grammys, but if you were miserable, lonely, sad, angry, and bitter while making it—was it truly a success? And conversely, your movie can flop, but if you loved making it, loved writing it, loved being with it, a