Sparks 👁️

by Thomas ¡ updated 11d ago

  • from Artificial Creativity by Douglas Rushkoff

    Thomas added 1mo ago

  • from

    Thomas added 2mo ago

  • from Leaving the Cult of Never Enough

    Thomas added 13d ago

  • from We Are All Surrounded by Immense Wealth

    Thomas added 2mo ago

  • from Leverage Points: Places to Intervene in a System by Donella Meadows

    Thomas added 2mo ago

  • from Always Be Optimizing

    Thomas added 19d ago

  • from All That Is Solid Melts Into Information by Noema

    Thomas added 22d ago

  • Thomas added 2mo ago

  • from Four Thousand Weeks: Time Management for Mortals

    Thomas added 2mo ago