what is Social Media doing to us?

what is Social Media doing to us?

Articles about social media platforms and their effects on society.

Jerod Morris and

On the Social Media Ideology - Journal #75 September 2016 - e-flux


On Information

sari and • 133 cards

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern Commencement Address

Jacinda Ardernharvardmagazine.com
Thumbnail of www-x-com-elonmusk-status-1798504201196368219


blinkist.com Blinkist: der einfachste Weg, mehr zu wissen

The moral imperative of a distributed social layer

Thumbnail of The moral imperative of a distributed social layer

Everybody Has to Self-Promote Now. Nobody Wants To.

Thumbnail of Everybody Has to Self-Promote Now. Nobody Wants To.

Daisy Alioto What Is Lifestyle?