sense and sensibility
river stone added 5mo
Another "Simplest" Exercise of Responsiveness
open.substack.comriver stone added 5mo
Whatever appears has a feeling-texture, which includes the felt-sense of extension, density, motion, atmosphere — altogether, a complex continuously evolving weather pattern.
Feel the diverse fields of feeling-textures of what is happening, including the feeling-texture that is happening as you.
Allow yourself be moved by the the interaction of these fields as they drift, collide, seep into each other, merge, divide, and intermix.
river stone added 5mo
river stone added 5mo
river stone added 4mo
river stone added 5mo
from: the farther reaches of human nature
river stone added 5mo
river stone added 2mo
river stone added 5mo
Cameron Blandford
<3 so nice to meet, hope to see you again
river stone added 5mo
somatic treasure chest