everything is a remix

everything is a remix

creativity is defined by the uniqueness and appeal of the combination of elements

sari and

An app can be a home-cooked meal

Thumbnail of An app can be a home-cooked meal

MODERN ARCHAEOLOGY - Discoveries in the Public Domain


Johanna and

The Browser Company Optimizing for Feelings

Networked Knowledge and Combinatorial Creativity

Maria Popovathemarginalian.org
Thumbnail of Networked Knowledge and Combinatorial Creativity

How to Do Great Work

Remix Culture: Jumpstarting Creativity

Jomayra Herreragrounded.substack.com
Thumbnail of Remix Culture: Jumpstarting Creativity

Loot is a viral social network that looks like nothing you've ever seen

Casey Newtonplatformer.news
Thumbnail of Loot is a viral social network that looks like nothing you've ever seen

PODCAST | ML198: Creativity, Genius and The Gift & Market Economies

Thumbnail of PODCAST | ML198: Creativity, Genius and The Gift & Market Economies

Combinatorial Creativity

sari and • 22 cards