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    It's easy to fall into the trap of feeling responsible for other people's emotions, reactions, and inner turmoil. We have an innate desire to be understood and accepted. So when others seem upset with us, judge us, or want us to change, we leap to explain, rationalize, and pacify. But in our quest to please or appease, we often lose ourselves. We diminish our needs and sacrifice our well-being. We are not accountable for how others interpret our words or actions. We are not tasked with managing their wounds, insecurities, and inner wars. It is a losing game to contort ourselves, trying to be who others wish we were. This will only lead to resentment and emotional depletion on our part. Know that setting firm boundaries, honoring your authenticity, and speaking your truth with love is sufficient. You are not required to make sure everyone understands or approves. You are not obligated to take on negative energy that is not yours. Your responsibility lies in staying aligned with your highest self. The rest will fall into place as it should.

    Supritha S added 9mo ago

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    What we can offer after we leave our full-time, big-time jobs is actually a lot, as I found in my chat with our friend @kate_wolfson, a brand strategist and consultant, who’s now freelance after her tenure at Goop. Her advice is practical in the best ways, right down to the book rec that’ll keep creative minds sharp and inspired, and a lesson that’s universal and essential in work and in life. If you missed our conversation, be sure to check the link in bio, and subscribe for lots more (and lots more to come!). xH

    Natalie Audelo added 10mo ago