Bright lines once separated being alone and being in a crowd,” Nicholas Carr, the author of the new book Superbloom: How Technologies of Connection Tear Us Apart, told me. “Boundaries helped us. You could be present with your friends and reflective in your downtime.” Now our social time is haunted by the possibility that something more interesting ... See more
Derek Thompson • The Anti-Social Century
antonia macbride on Substack
substack.comThinking In Stories — A More To That course Stay weird
Lastly, we need to accept the fundamental trippy weirdness of imagination, the sheer play of it, and not always reduce it to functional adaptation. There must be room for the surreal, the fantastic, the idealistic and even the nonsensical. Even in the full bloom of the scientific revolution, thinkers of all stripes – Emanuel Swedenborg... See more
Lastly, we need to accept the fundamental trippy weirdness of imagination, the sheer play of it, and not always reduce it to functional adaptation. There must be room for the surreal, the fantastic, the idealistic and even the nonsensical. Even in the full bloom of the scientific revolution, thinkers of all stripes – Emanuel Swedenborg... See more
Stephen T Asma • Why we need a new kind of education: Imagination Studies | Aeon Essays
The Iceberg Model
The Iceberg Model analyzes systemic structures to identify underlying issues and blind spots, promoting shifts in awareness and behavior for effective decision-making and transformation within teams or organizations.
pi-2022.s3.amazonaws.comShaping Tomorrow : Causal layered analysis
shapingtomorrow.comAnu Gupta, Breaking Bias