fun facts for the next time someone asks
A bibliophagist is a devourer of books.
Katie Dalebout • this last list is light...
Comic Sans wants you to know it wasn’t ever meant to be taken seriously. Vincent Connare, who was then a typographic engineer working at Microsoft, created the typeface in 1994. Most of us were blissfully offline back then, so Microsoft had devised a program called Microsoft Bob to teach people how to use computers. An animated dog named Rover woul... See more
How Comic Sans became the Crocs of fonts
The first time the word “podcast” appeared in print (alongside “podcasting”) was on Oct 14 2004 in The Los Angeles Times, and taken up by The New York Times, on Oct 28 2004.
James Cridland • The history of the word 'Podcast'
About 20 years ago, Google reached an important milestone. The Merriam-Webster dictionary added "Google" as a verb to mean searching for something on the web.
Alistair Barr • Google is losing its status as a verb
Perhaps because names are so crucial and personal, naming things can feel uniquely human. And until a little over a decade ago, scientists predominantly thought that was true. Then, in 2013, a study suggested that bottlenose dolphins use namelike calls. Scientists have since found evidence that parrots, and perhaps whales and bats, use calls that i... See more
Tove Danovich • Elephants Are Doing Something Deeply Human
One could also be “crushed” — broken down or destroyed — by sadness or stress, for example. Kory Stamper, a senior editor of lexicography at, said this figurative sense of “crush” developed alongside the literal meaning. “The historical record is full of the crush of melancholy, the crush of despondency, the crush of death,” Ms. Stam... See more
Sarah Diamond • The First Meaning of ‘Crush’ Came Long Before a ‘First Crush’
There is no formula, scoring system or checklist. One thing to remember is that it is not our intent to honor the dead; we leave the tributes to the eulogists. We seek only to report deaths and to sum up lives, illuminating why, in our judgment, those lives were significant. The justification for the obituary is in the story it tells.
William McDonald • How The Times decides who gets an obituary.
According to data from Forbes, there were 2,781 billionaires worldwide as of March. The combined net worth of U.S. billionaires totals $5.7 trillion, more than any other country. China’s billionaires rank second, worth $1.3 trillion, and India’s billionaires rank third at $954 billion.
Ambani Wedding Puts 'Crazy Rich Indians' in the Spotlight - WSJ
India had fewer than 10 billionaires two decades ago, when Mukesh Ambani and his younger brother first appeared on the Forbes billionaire list after their father, company founder Dhirubhai Ambani, died. Now, the country is the world’s third-biggest source of billionaires after China and the U.S.
India’s 200 billionaires have a combined net worth of... See more
India’s 200 billionaires have a combined net worth of... See more
Ambani Wedding Puts 'Crazy Rich Indians' in the Spotlight - WSJ
50 years ago today, Cleveland hosted 'Ten-Cent Beer Night' against the Texas Rangers.
About 60,000 beers were consumed by 25,134 fans, seven people were sent to the hospital, and the game was stopped due to drunken rioting.
The Rangers were declared winners via forfeit.