He writes that the workbook needs to be “so unpresumptuous and undemanding and is intended to sustain like the mellowest woman almost any number of my peculiarities.”
Cultivating a State of Mind Where New Ideas Are Born
The idea of needing to "linger in confusion" reminded me of a passage I like from Freud's 'The Interpretation of Dreams', where he's introducing the idea of free association and quotes some remarks by Schiller: "At a point in his correspondence ... Schiller answers a friend who complains of his lack of creativeness in the following words: “The reas... See more
Cultivating a State of Mind Where New Ideas Are Born
Grothendieck knew what he found interesting and productively confusing because he had spent three years observing his thought and tracing where it wanted to go. He was not at the mercy of the social world he entered; rather, he “used” it to “further his aims.” (I put things in quotation marks here because what he’s doing isn’t exactly this delibera... See more
Cultivating a State of Mind Where New Ideas Are Born
Decade Volcanoes
en.wikipedia.orgAvoiding feedback also doesn’t mean complete social isolation. A small research lab or a mission-driven startup can approximate a single mind and explore freely. But it does mean taking your own ideas seriously enough to see them through, even if others disagree. Even self-doubt as a form of feedback needs to be carefully regulated.
Leber • The Feedback Tradeoff
If you want to do great work you have to interface with others—learn what they have figured out, find collaborators who can extend your vision, and other support. The trick is doing this without losing yourself. What solitude gives you is an opportunity to study what personal curiosity feels like in its undiluted form, free from the interference of... See more
Cultivating a State of Mind Where New Ideas Are Born

This experience is common in the childhoods of people who go on to do great work, as I have written elsewhere. Nearly everyone who does great work has some episode of early solitary work. As the philosopher Bertrand Russell remarked, the development of gifted and creative individuals, such as Newton or Whitehead, seems to require a period in which ... See more
Cultivating a State of Mind Where New Ideas Are Born
One more thing about the ideology of Silicon Valley is that it is also this hyper-masculine worldview, which is another reason why I think they align so much with Trump and why that is such a seductive political system for them.
The term “alpha” is [not just] this financial extra. [I asked] one of the entrepreneurs I talked to, why would they leave
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