Raise the vibrations
Try as culture, politics, religion, or families might to eradicate it, this knowledge of our innermost Self — intuitive and rich and wild — is always with us. We may have forgotten how to express it or we might stutter when we try, but the deep song of our authentic voice still resonates within.
Judy Reeves • Wild Women, Wild Voices
When we surrender to the force of love and discover this higher level of relatedness, we feel radiant and connected not just to another person but to all of existence. We also feel that the universe is becoming more whole through our unity with each other.
Patricia Albere • Evolutionary Relationships
You are always on a life line that represents the quality of your energetic vibration. If you take in negative energy you will experience disappointments in your life and if you give out negative energy it will return to you like a boomerang in the form of disappointment.
Vadim Zeland • Reality transurfing. Steps I-V
Maria Popova • We Are Made of Music, We Are Made of Time: Violinist Natalie Hodges on the Poetic Science of Sound and Feeling
"When you find your vision and clarity, you find your Wealth. When you find your Wealth, you can focus on how to invest your time. When you invest your time, you create value. When you create value, your wealth begins to flow. When your wealth flows with rhythm and harmony, it begins to resonate. "Do you know what it means to resonate, Ri
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