In My Own Way: An Autobiography

The sound of rain needs no translation.” Though the conversation
Alan Watts • In My Own Way: An Autobiography
I. A. Richards, Mircea Eliade, Clyde Kluckhohn, or Jerome Bruner for
Alan Watts • In My Own Way: An Autobiography
Koya-san is a Shangrila, just as far-off hills are indeed blue. Both places and people should thus be respected and enjoyed in not inspecting them too closely with a vulgar, nosy, and intrusive attitude. Here the style of Buddhism is called Shingon and is closely related to Vajrayana, the ritualistic and magical Buddhism of Tibet, so that in this p
... See moreAlan Watts • In My Own Way: An Autobiography
jinko, the fine aloeswood incense which D. T. Suzuki called “the smell of Buddhism.”
Alan Watts • In My Own Way: An Autobiography
Trying to catch the meaning of the universe in terms of some religious, philosophical, or moral system is really like asking Bach or Ali Akbar to explain their music in words.
Alan Watts • In My Own Way: An Autobiography
Ali Akbar Khan, the sarod player,
Alan Watts • In My Own Way: An Autobiography
Higashi-yama, or Eastern Hills,
Alan Watts • In My Own Way: An Autobiography
The Joyous Cosmology,