Intuitionism and the rejection of evidence and expertise are especially compatible with conservative populism.
Dannagal Goldthwaite Young • Wrong
It has become increasingly possible to give almost continuous access to politicians—or that's the illusion. Think of our phones, these totemic objects we all carry—the intimacy of sitting in bed with the screen close to your face, watching a politician record a video or a livestream of themselves with their own phone. That's different from sitting
... See moreTo succeed in today's media environment, “political leaders must appear as accessible, authentic, and relatable,” she argues,
Conor Friedersdorf • The Charisma-vs.-Charm Election
Charm requires proximity.
Conor Friedersdorf • The Charisma-vs.-Charm Election
the imaginary waxes while the symbolic wanes.
Anna Kornbluh • Immediacy
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