product design

by sari and · updated 1mo ago

  • sari added 1mo ago

  • from Tweet by Nikita Bier

    sari added 2mo ago

  • Some of the most rewarding features to add to products are ones that don’t increase surface area, but increase depth. This is how you continue to make a product a whole lot better without it feeling like it got a whole lot bigger. Basecamp’s new References feature is a great… Show more

    by Jason Fried

    alex added 3mo ago

  • Designing Friction

    Thumbnail of Designing Friction

    aron added 6mo ago

  • Preview of 34bf3fb9-jpeg

    andrea added 6mo ago

  • Preview of 168cdf00-jpeg

    andrea added 6mo ago

  • 2024 Memo

    Toolhouse's 2024 memo outlines their mission to develop a personal product generator that empowers users to create custom, personalized 3D objects through the integration of AI and agile production methods.

    by Unknown

    gabriel added 6mo ago

  • Funnels, Tubes, and Spaces

    by Joe Edelman

    Thumbnail of Funnels, Tubes, and Spaces

    Sam Liebeskind added 6mo ago

  • LukeW | Writings on Digital Product Strategy & Design

    Thumbnail of LukeW | Writings on Digital Product Strategy & Design

    Sam Liebeskind added 6mo ago

  • Why do Experiments Fail? 30 Learnings

    by Eugene Segal

    Thumbnail of Why do Experiments Fail? 30 Learnings

    Jilber Najem added 7mo ago