why is my job frustrating?
it gets frustrating when we behave in misalignment with who we are and what our capabilities are.
product work happens at three levels
shreyas doshi’s epiphany here, “i have a preferred level at which i like to operate”
as you go higher up, you have to spend more time on the optics level. the more and mo
... See moredo i have good taste?
“we don’t need strategy, we need to get things done”, shreyas doshi kept repeating this mantra until he got to twitter
twitter, 2014, didn’t really have a product strategy.
taste is a factor in everything we do. do we have taste in our beliefs? these eventually bleed into everyday product-decision making
i don’t have good taste
you spent time building something because you want to get it out of a 2-way door — meaning you can kill it any given point of time.
now during your review, if your feature hasn’t had adoption… you end up finding anecdotal evidence for why it’s doing well when in reality it isn’t really doing well
and the reality is the sales team isn’t able to sell
4 questions Shreyas wishes he’d asked himself sooner | Former PM leader at Stripe, Twitter, Google
youtube.comi am busy because i am not making good product decisions
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