This Teaching Clip made me think of you. Watch Matthew 6:11 by Jerry Flowers:
Matthew 6:11
Jesus echoes Israel’s exodus for our daily prayer - God will provide, not pharaoh, trust him.
Matthew 6:11 Give us this day our daily bread
CONFESSION: Lord God, you require us to do
justice, love mercy, and walk humbly before you. We
confess that we have not loved you or our neighbor in
this way. We repent of this. Grant that your Holy Spirit
drives us to seek these things through Christ. Amen.
CONFESSION: Lord God, you require us to do
justice, love mercy, and walk humbly before you. We
confess that we have not loved you or our neighbor in
this way. We repent of this. Grant that your Holy Spirit
drives us to seek these things through Christ. Amen.
They start to sing—and it’s not because they’re suddenly caught up in a moment of euphoria, inspiration, and wonder. “Hallowed be your name” is a longing to see God here and now, to know his presence in the midst of this mess. They start to sing as a way of praying, “Where are you, God? We want to see you. You are the loving Father. You promise to
... See moreTim Mackie • Praying Like Monks, Living Like Fools
Father, I come to You unsure, worn, and questioning my faith. Am I Yours? I feel like a striver, exhausted by my own failures. But I lay it all before You, trusting in Your promise that I am saved by grace through faith, not by my works. Let Your Spirit testify to my spirit that I am Your child. Help me to abide in You, trusting that You will produ... See more
Lord, I am at the end of myself. I don’t have the strength, the control, or the mastery to do what You ask. I am broken, raw, and desperate. Meet me here, in the chaos. Teach me to trust in Your sufficiency, not my striving. Teach me to rest in Your grace, not my efforts. Be my peace when I cannot find it. Be my strength when I am weak. Be my God w... See more
Part of GPT response to my unfiltered thoughts this morning, 2025.01.20
Donnez-moi votre lumière, je prie.
Give me your light, I pray.
Pray this prayer slowly and repeatedly.
A French and English prayer of Kari Kristina Reeves,
adapted from Canyon Road: A Book of Prayer
Donnez-moi votre lumière, je prie.
Give me your light, I pray.
Pray this prayer slowly and repeatedly.
A French and English prayer of Kari Kristina Reeves,
adapted from Canyon Road: A Book of Prayer
O God, give your judgment to the rulers,
to those who rule after them, your justice,
that they may judge your people in justice,
and your poor in right judgment.
May the mountains bring forth shalom for the people,
and the hills justice.
May they defend the poor of the people,
and save the children of the needy,
and crush the oppressor.
A prayer of So... See more
O God, give your judgment to the rulers,
to those who rule after them, your justice,
that they may judge your people in justice,
and your poor in right judgment.
May the mountains bring forth shalom for the people,
and the hills justice.
May they defend the poor of the people,
and save the children of the needy,
and crush the oppressor.
A prayer of So... See more
Crush the oppressor…
O ancient love, processing through the ages:
O hidden love, revealed in human form:
O promised love, the dream of seers and sages:
O living Love, within our hearts be born.
O homeless love, that dwells among the stranger:
O lowly love, that knows the mighty’s scorn:
O hungry love, that lay within a manger:
O living Love, within our hearts be born.
O ... See more
O ancient love, processing through the ages:
O hidden love, revealed in human form:
O promised love, the dream of seers and sages:
O living Love, within our hearts be born.
O homeless love, that dwells among the stranger:
O lowly love, that knows the mighty’s scorn:
O hungry love, that lay within a manger:
O living Love, within our hearts be born.
O ... See more
May none of God’s wonderful works keep silence,
night or morning. Bright stars, high mountains,
the depths of the seas, sources of rushing rivers:
may all of these break into song as we sing to
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. May all the angels in
the heavens reply: Amen! Amen! Amen! Power,
praise, honor, and eternal glory be to God, the
only Giver of... See more
May none of God’s wonderful works keep silence,
night or morning. Bright stars, high mountains,
the depths of the seas, sources of rushing rivers:
may all of these break into song as we sing to
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. May all the angels in
the heavens reply: Amen! Amen! Amen! Power,
praise, honor, and eternal glory be to God, the
only Giver of... See more
Loving God, our hearts are heavy with
the sufferings of this world. We remember the many
victims of political power and greed:
the innocent killed in war and violence;
all those who are tortured or put to death;
those who languish in prison and camps;
those missing or trafficked;
all whose lot your Son shared by being born when
Herod was king.
Lord, in... See more
the sufferings of this world. We remember the many
victims of political power and greed:
the innocent killed in war and violence;
all those who are tortured or put to death;
those who languish in prison and camps;
those missing or trafficked;
all whose lot your Son shared by being born when
Herod was king.
Lord, in... See more