Personal MBA
I’m convinced that storytelling, taste, and design will be the most differentiating business skill of the 21st century
The single best product lens is “build until they tell” — focus on improving your product until every user refers someone else
... See moreThe fastest-moving entrepreneurs are obsessive resource allocators. Similar to investors, they seek the best risk-adjusted returns with the resources they have. The main resources of the business are time (of the team), attention (of the team), and capital (of the business). So resource allocation is 1) aligning attention on the most important thin
Treat cognitive context shifts as “productivity poison.” The more you switch your attention from one target (say, a report you’re writing) to another (say, an inbox check), the more exhausted and dumber you become.
Financially successful people choose to do work that is economically rewarding, then manage their income with frugality and thrift.
One thesis of the internet that always stuck with me comes from Evan Williams, who founded Twitter/Blogger/Medium. He said that the best way to create a giant internet company is to take something people want to do and make it 10x easier.
... See moreWhat the most ambitious people choose to do with their lives has a profound impact on society, the economy and culture.
In each case [Church and literacy, Military and command, Finance and Management], the institutions provide three things. One, a mechanism for acquiring the skills associated with the ‘technology of ambition’. Two, a social network
“Culture eats strategy for breakfast.” - Peter Drucker
To get things done is management; to make people grow is leadership.
Havard, Created for Greatness
“Because its purpose is to create a customer, the business enterprise has two—and only these two—basic functions: marketing and innovation.”
Peter Drucker, The Essential Drucker