Outta Love
The way I see it, you mostly stop loving a person the same way you stop respecting them. It can happen all at once, if something enormous and terrible falls over the two of you. But for the most part, it happens by inches, in a thousand tiny moments of contempt that unravel the image you had of the person you thought you knew.
Sarah Gailey • The Echo Wife: A dark, fast-paced unsettling domestic thriller
carlton smith added 19d
Realizing we are no longer in love is not the heartbreaking sensation we imagine when we are in love—because it is no sensation at all. It is a realization made by a bystander.
Andrew Sean Greer • Less Is Lost (The Arthur Less Books Book 2)
carlton smith added 19d
People fall out of love when they lose faith in the story the other person is writing. You wake up one day and think: why am I trapped inside this narrative? I don’t even like your prose.
Ava • tension and flow
carlton smith added 19d
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