we are shaped by our tools, systems, and environment

by Agalia Tan · updated 12d ago

  • Agalia Tan added 2mo ago

  • from A quote from The Utopia of Rules

    Agalia Tan added 2mo ago

  • from First We Shape Our Social Graph; Then It Shapes Us by Henrik Karlsson

    Agalia Tan added 19d ago

  • from Brain Food: Prioritization Beats Efficiency

    Agalia Tan added 2mo ago

  • from The Dark Side of Frictionless Technology

    Agalia Tan added 1mo ago

  • from Tool for Thought by New York Times

    Agalia Tan added 2mo ago

  • from The Friendship Theory of Everything

    Agalia Tan added 2mo ago

  • from Why Everything is Becoming a Game

    Agalia Tan added 2mo ago

  • from The Tourist and the Pilgrim

    Agalia Tan added 2mo ago