open web love / save the internet
Rewilding the internet connects and grows what people are doing across regulation, standards-setting and new ways of organizing and building infrastructure, to tell a shared story of where we want to go. It’s a shared vision with many strategies. The instruments we need to shift away from extractive technological monocultures are at hand or ready t... See more
Maria Farrell • We Need to Rewild the Internet
The solutions are the same in ecology and technology: aggressively use the rule of law to level out unequal capital and power, then rush in to fill the gaps with better ways of doing things.
Maria Farrell • We Need to Rewild the Internet
Ecologists know that diversity is resilience.
Maria Farrell • We Need to Rewild the Internet
some of what we need is already here, especially on the web. Look at the resurgence of RSS feeds, email newsletters and blogs, as we discover (yet again) that relying on one app to host global conversations creates a single point of failure and control
Maria Farrell • We Need to Rewild the Internet
For tech giants, the long period of open internet evolution is over. Their internet is not an ecosystem. It’s a zoo.
Maria Farrell • We Need to Rewild the Internet

“The complex web of human interactions that thrived on the internet’s initial technological diversity is now corralled into globe-spanning data-extraction engines making huge fortunes for a tiny few.”
Maria Farrell • We Need to Rewild the Internet
People who care about internet monoculture and control are often told they’re nostalgists harkening back to a pioneer era.
Maria Farrell • We Need to Rewild the Internet
the whole point of digital gardens is that they can grow and change, and that various pages on the same topic can coexist. “It’s less about iterative learning and more about public learning,”