On Creation
All we ever seek, and all we ever avoid are feelings. Feelings run the world. They constitute the only useful product of all material transactions between humans and their environment. Just like your body can’t use the food it eats for energy until it’s turned to glucose, we can’t really make use of the things we seek until they deliver certain fee... See more
David Cain • What you want is never a thing
And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.
Paulo Coelho
Paulo Coelho
Writing converts your ideas from vague to bad. But that's a step forward, because once you can see the brokenness, you can fix it.
Making things is hard and I feel like that’s the most useful thing to say about it. You have to try to be consistent, you have to practice constantly, you have to read, and you can’t make yourself be interested in topics you aren’t interested in. And you have to accept that it’s always going to be challenging. My friend said this about her work, wh... See more
Ava • Making Things Is Hard

“I knew I was getting somewhere when I began losing interest in the beginnings and the ends of things.”
-Sarah Manguso