Network Effects

by sari and · updated 5mo ago

  • Your Life Is Driven by Network Effects

    by NFX

    43 highlights

    Thumbnail of Your Life Is Driven by Network Effects

    sari added 10mo ago

  • Breaking Down Network Effects

    by Tanay Jaipuria

    4 highlights

    Thumbnail of Breaking Down Network Effects

    Bryant Wu added 2y ago

  • Status, Wealth, & Power: Network Effects Demand A New Social Contract

    by NFX

    21 highlights

    Thumbnail of Status, Wealth, & Power: Network Effects Demand A New Social Contract

    Sixian added 2y ago

  • from The Cold Start Problem by Andrew Chen by Andrew Chen

    sari added 1y ago

  • What Makes Data Valuable: The Truth About Data Network Effects

    by NFX

    16 highlights

    Thumbnail of What Makes Data Valuable: The Truth About Data Network Effects

    Sixian added 2y ago

  • Platforms and Aggregators

    by Tomas Pueyo

    7 highlights

    Thumbnail of Platforms and Aggregators

    Darren LI added 2y ago

  • Spotify, Netflix, and Aggregation

    by Stratechery

    Thumbnail of Spotify, Netflix, and Aggregation

    Tom So added 2y ago

  • The Rivalrous and the Anti-Rivalrous | Deep Code Experiment: Episode 2

    2 highlights

    Juan Orbea added 2y ago

  • from Roam’s road ahead by Nathan Baschez

    sari added 1y ago

  • Internet Scale Businesses

    13 highlights

    Jay Matthews added 2y ago