As a strong proponent for the diversification of work (see here with Zine), building a Career Portfolio is not just incredibly fulfilling, but ultimately job-proofing. By building relationships and reputation outside the walls of a single office, fractional work can be a win-win. Employers just have to tap the upside for themselves... more satisfie... See more
Victoria Buchanan • Vol.17: Victoria Buchanan: Surrealism, World Saving Luxury + Fractional Work
I can never read all the books I want; I can never be all the people I want and live all the lives I want. I can never train myself in all the skills I want. And why do I want? I want to live and feel all the shades, tones and variations of mental and physical experience possible in my life. And I am horribly limited.
Sylvia Plath
rationality is a method of dealing with uncertainty by devouring information and making simplifying assumptions about the outside world until you can convince yourself that you understand it
hinterlander • Tweet
In this context, knowledge and judgement and taste are valuable. We trust curators because we believe that they spent time and effort in developing their expertise. This belief seeped from the art world into the aspirational economy, with the new breed of aspirants looking to share their taste and turn their social and cultural capital into the eco... See more • Move Over Influencers, Here Come Curators
- What are you being paid for?
- The confidence that I have in my taste. And my ability to express what I feel, has proven helpful for artist.
I feel the same applies to design most of the times. A so called good eye, taste, good ideas / direction goes a long way.
These are just a few examples and I love that my work is amorphous and ever changing. It ebbs and flows as my life moves, priorities change, interests evolve, and desires and hopes and dreams become clear.
That’s the thing about portfolio careers. They help you construct a home for yourself so you stop looking for one in other places.
That’s the thing about portfolio careers. They help you construct a home for yourself so you stop looking for one in other places.
WTF is a portfolio career?
Portfolio careers are on the rise and to me this makes perfect sense, because they’re more reflective of the way humans are built. We’re multi-dimensional, multi-faceted, multi-passionate beings, so surely our work should be multi-dimensional, multi-faceted and speak to our multiple passions.
Many of us are realising that we don’t want “traditional... See more
Many of us are realising that we don’t want “traditional... See more