🐛 Movement Thoughts
This startling difference between perceived and actual difficulty isn't random - it reveals the hidden architecture of how we create struggle. We're not just experiencing tasks; we're adding layers of meaning, resistance, and complexity that transform simple actions into elaborate inner battles.
Making Things Easy Part 1 : The Hidden Sources of Struggle
For more than a decade now, I have been using Professor Tim Ingold’s term “thinking with ” rather than, say, thinking about something. I do not think about love. I think with Aphrodite. Communalising the activity taps that infinite font of richness that she both governs and is. Same for Hephaestus and Psyche and Eros and Hermes and all the rest of ... See more
Reverse Archaeology And The Metaphoric Flexibility of the Gods
“The difference between motion and action.
-talk to a personal trainer
-research your book idea
-explore different types of meditation
-do 10 squats
-write 1 sentence
-meditate for 1 minute
Motion feels like progress. Action is progress.”
-talk to a personal trainer
-research your book idea
-explore different types of meditation
-do 10 squats
-write 1 sentence
-meditate for 1 minute
Motion feels like progress. Action is progress.”
James Clear • 3-2-1: On taking action, writing well, and motivating others
Movement also has an ecology. In wild animals, movement is goal-directed , emotionally motivated , reflex coordinated and absolutely present . This is the natural ecology of movement, to which humans have introduced a new and sometimes destructive species: abstract thought .
Flynn Disney • Movement & Psychology Workshop
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