dropping snippets or images from articles, blogs, and books, that specially resonates with me*
dropping snippets or images from articles, blogs, and books, that specially resonates with me*
People want to identify either something: a message, a vision, a lifestyle. That’s what great brands do the best at, they make people as a part of something particularly unique to that brand, which customers they can be included in.
When you are able to create outside of any obligation, but out of total curiosity, experimentation, and freedom, that is where you are able to unleash more of your full, unique potential.
Whether that’s for design, art, or even business (e.g. like a random product), that is where the magical happens.
For Teresa and John, the dark night—indeed all of life—is nothing other than the story of a love affair: a romance between God and the human soul that liberates us to love one another.