Mimetic Desire

The mimetic theory of desire, an explanation of human behavior and culture, originated with the French historian, literary critic, and philosopher of social science René Girard (1923-2015). The name of the theory derives from the philosophical concept mimesis, which carries a wide range of meanings. In mimetic theory, mimesis refers to human desire, which Girard thought was not linear but the product of a mimetic process in which people imitate models who endow objects with value. "Man is the creature who does not know what to desire, and he turns to others in order to make up his mind. We desire what others desire because we imitate their desires."

by Juan Orbea and · updated 4mo ago

  • Luke Burgis: The Power of Mimetic Desire [The Knowledge Project Ep. #138]

    by The Knowledge Project

    8 highlights

    Thumbnail of Luke Burgis: The Power of Mimetic Desire [The Knowledge Project Ep. #138]

    Juan Orbea added 2y ago

  • from How to know what you really want by Psyche

    Stuart Evans added 10mo ago

  • Mimetic Desire 101 - Anti-Mimetic—A Field Guide to Mimetic Desire

    by Luke Burgis

    8 highlights

    Thumbnail of Mimetic Desire 101 - Anti-Mimetic—A Field Guide to Mimetic Desire

    Sixian added 2y ago

  • Mimetic Theory of Desire | Daniel Schmachtenberger and Lex Fridman

    by Lex Fridman

    Thumbnail of Mimetic Theory of Desire | Daniel Schmachtenberger and Lex Fridman

    Juan Orbea added 2y ago

  • What People Are Really Doing When They Play Hard to Get

    by Luke Burgis

    5 highlights

    Thumbnail of What People Are Really Doing When They Play Hard to Get

    Sixian added 2y ago

  • Manias and Mimesis: Applying René Girard’s Mimetic Theory to Financial Bubbles

    by Byrne Hobart

    6 highlights

    Matthew Giampetroni added 2y ago

  • The Ideas of Rene Girard: An Anthropology of Religion and Violence

    by David Cayley

    3 highlights

    Cover of The Ideas of Rene Girard: An Anthropology of Religion and Violence

    sari added 2y ago

  • from How to know what you really want by Psyche

    Stuart Evans added 10mo ago

  • phoebe added 9mo ago

  • Alara added 4mo ago