Love Snippets
Think of life as an opportunity to create and give.
lili added 9mo
lili added 6mo
a gift for my birthday
You'll find your answer in the silence
If not,
we do not speak the same language.
lili added 1y
Sipping abundance like water
lili added 9mo
Van ennek egy diszkrét bája
lili added 10mo
Minden gondolatra, tapasztalatra, dologra, újszülött szemszögéböl tekinteni. Minden gyakorlás.
Talán ez az esszenciája annak, hogy mi a különbség aközött hogy az életre nehézség, vagy csodaként tekintünk.
lili added 1y
I think we both understand each other pretty well, the only barrier is words.
lili added 5mo
When anxiety comes your way,
acknowledge it,
but don’t make it your home.
lili added 1y
Bonfire catch-up.
lili added 9mo
a note form a friend in an email thread we’ve been slowly tending to.
“I don’t know you.
But I know your spirit.”
lili added 10mo
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