That it’s intended to keep something out as much as it is keeping something in.
Haley Mlotek • Writer Haley Mlotek on standing by your work – The Creative Independent
“Ease can be exciting.”
relationship puzzles
Everyone dreams about being invisible sometimes, no one dreams of being transparent.
let yourself be loved
And don’t worry about losing. If it is right, it happens—The main thing is not to hurry. Nothing good gets away.
John Steinbeck • Read John Steinbeck's letter of fatherly advice to his son
“You have to pick the places you don’t walk away from.”
Alex Dobrenko • a bookstore, joan didion, and me
“My dream meet-cute is to fall in love via a long and thoughtful email reply to my newsletter.”
Nick Catucci • My Internet: Jasmine Sun
I don’t have all the answers, and I get things wrong all the time. But I no longer fight against my nature. My life is filled with love, with deeply loving people, because I care too much. How could I resent that? My capacity to attach to others also my capacity to attach to the world.
— Ava
It’s a big thing to love a single person well for a long time.
Ava • Entry Points
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