Local News & Information
People will pay for the convenience of not poring through internet sludge all day and having someone clarify what they need to know.”
Kyle Chayka • 🟧 Aggregation theory
Asynchronous forms of engagement can be synchronized with regular weekly or daily reports provided by the platform that serve something of the function that “talk of the town” columns in local newspapers used to provide.
Alex Pentland • Rediscovering the Pleasures of Pluralism: The Potential of Digitally Mediated Civic Participation — Digitalist Papers
What I have learned in my years studying the role of journalism in civic discussion is that democracies are best served when media coverage focuses on issues that affect society and people’s everyday lives and minimizes “horse race” reporting that obsesses over who is ahead in opinion surveys or fundraising.
Jeff South • Are journalists serving Virginia's voters well? Election could offer insights on media on national level
There's a Neighbor for That: On Civic Associations as a Social Technology
full of people who are committed to celebrating the city, investigating its institutions and bringing readers together via amazing conversations and events
Joshi Herrmann • Irrational optimism and the rebuilding of local journalism
I think there’s an opportunity to create something very substantial here in Manchester: a company that revives local journalism across the country and connects people via storytelling , a means of human communication that goes back much longer than the history of newspapers. As the popularity of American magazine-style journalism shows, people pref... See more
Joshi Herrmann • Irrational optimism and the rebuilding of local journalism
that local journalism is a crucial facet of society that connects us to the places we live and the people who live around us and gives us a sorely needed sense of shared reality in an atomised age; that this kind of journalism has been decimated in Greater Manchester and pretty much every other community in this country because its old business mod... See more
Irrational optimism and the rebuilding of local journalism
…if it inspires them and thrills them, as well as imparting useful information
Stop trying to make social networks succeed, stop dreaming of a universal network. Instead, invest in your own communities. Help them make long-term, custom and sustainable solutions. Try to achieve small and local successes instead of pursuing an imaginary universal one. It will make you happier.
It will make all of us happier.
It will make all of us happier.
Stop Trying to Make Social Networks Succeed

Alt business model for local news: government provides a voucher, then each person can give it to a local news org they find valuable. Helps create public funding for journalism, but avoid government intervention in the content itself
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