Local Digital Social Networks
Adoption-First Approach . There is no need to reinvent everything. For most sectors of digital infrastructure, solutions exist. In many cases, they will be imperfect and insufficient. They might have technology but no clear governance and a weak funding model. Federating existing successful systems and targeting demand and usage rather than innovat... See more
Robin Berjon • Digital Sovereignty
The digital sphere is artificially built and those who operate it get to set its rules in ways that are enforced in code, which is to say that are enforced as the laws of the system itself. That is how structural power is established. Many parts of the digital landscape are presented on the surface as consumer goods (social, search) or as markets (... See more
Robin Berjon • Digital Sovereignty
We can simply define digital sovereignty as the exercise of authority or power over the digital sphere .2
It's important to keep in mind that having authority over a sphere doesn't mean running that sphere with an iron fist. It is typical of democratic systems for instance that whoever has authority will use that authority to keep the system open an... See more
It's important to keep in mind that having authority over a sphere doesn't mean running that sphere with an iron fist. It is typical of democratic systems for instance that whoever has authority will use that authority to keep the system open an... See more
Robin Berjon • Digital Sovereignty
“This highlights that while Mead and Nelson were right to believe democracy depends on the pluralism that social media has encouraged, current platforms have missed that it also depends on communities achieving coherence and common understanding that empower effective social action, the formation of cultures of belonging, etc.” - Weil & Tang
How cities can cultivate a sense of "membership" among their residents
Pete Davisconnectivetissue.substack.com
Democracy Policy Network
On the idea of “City Membership”
Jerry ended up buying 6 ads he could use any time in the next 6 months. And for this privilege, he paid me $500.
🍦How I sold my first local newsletter ads (web version)
A more sensible way to think about where conversations need to be broken up, that’s not topic, is format. In a physical space, the analogy might be—if half of my guests are drinking wine from expensive stemware and half of my guests are playing Twister, I might send the Twister players into another room so they don’t elbow-knock a glass of Chablis.... See more