Local Digital Social Networks
A more sensible way to think about where conversations need to be broken up, that’s not topic, is format. In a physical space, the analogy might be—if half of my guests are drinking wine from expensive stemware and half of my guests are playing Twister, I might send the Twister players into another room so they don’t elbow-knock a glass of Chablis.... See more
noeleflowers • Three (Platform Agnostic!) Best Practices in Online Community Architecture
One common denominator across these myriad settings is that people participating in them have opportunities to set agendas, make plans, take risks, lead and follow, look out for, and give and take with each other. In doing so, they can better understand their own self interests, how they correspond with those of others in the group, and how best to... See more
Daniel Stid • Top Down Democratic Decline vs. Bottom Up Civic Renewal: Eight Working Hypotheses
civic renewal will hinge in the end on whether a critical mass of citizens come to recognize that they can best serve their own interests by associating with others to realize shared goals.
Daniel Stid • Top Down Democratic Decline vs. Bottom Up Civic Renewal: Eight Working Hypotheses
A young man in his mid-twenties, working in financial administration, sighed as he described the state of political discussion in his community. Despite the town being a “melting pot” of people from diverse backgrounds, there was a strong “disconnect” between groups and an inability, he sensed, for people with differing views to really understand o... See more
Making Sense of Large-Scale Online Conversations
People will pay for the convenience of not poring through internet sludge all day and having someone clarify what they need to know.”
Kyle Chayka • 🟧 Aggregation theory
“The boundary between public and private is part of the conflict between public spheres. For example, until recently, only feminists though domestic violence was a public concern, rather than a private matter. Democratic publicity therefore requires positive guarantees of opportunities for minorities to convince others of what qualifies as common i
... See moreBad shape
wrecka.geMany such experiments, both historical and contemporary, get this balance not just wrong, but wildly wrong. They make the mistake of being about missions first, and placemaking second. That’s a suitable approach for a conference, corporation, religion, or a political movement, but not for a place qua place. Even a virtual place that exists only as ... See more