Interesting Things
GitHub - lima-vm/lima: Linux virtual machines, with a focus on running containers
AkihiroSudagithub.comMaxime added 3mo
GitHub - MadcowD/ell: A language model programming library.
github.comMaxime added 2mo
Maxime added 4mo
Multi Tabbed Putty – TTY PLUS
ttyplus.comMaxime added 3mo
GitHub - tellerops/teller: Cloud native secrets management for developers - never leave your command line for secrets.
@jondotgithub.comMaxime added 3mo
Over-the-Counter Hearing Aid FAQs - American Academy of Audiology
American Academy of Audiologyaudiology.orgMaxime added 19d
CubeCoders AMP
cubecoders.comMaxime added 4mo
GitHub - JMBeresford/retrom: A centralized game library/collection management service with a focus on emulation
github.comMaxime added 2mo