Intentionality & Leading with Care
Leading with care, organizational development, creating better leaders
Intentionality & Leading with Care
Leading with care, organizational development, creating better leaders
The role of middle managers, the balance of middle managers vs individual contributors. I understand that layoffs are necessary - but how do we balance the efficiency aspect and the humane aspect in business, company, culture and business?
Was reading alot about leadership lately, and reflecting on my time at TikTok and beyond - where we meet atrocious leaders or leaders where we thought “what the hell, do they know what they’re doing?!?!”, to inspiring leaders where despite their limited view point / visibility and control, held onto the shears of human decency they can muster and held onto terminated of what they considered “humane” (or normal) principles of leadership and leading a team…
who’s right, who’s wrong…? I’m sure everyone has their starting point that they are working from…
But respect to those who try to manage to preserve despite difficulties, those who try to continue despite cloudiness or darkness… I salute you.
And for those in middle management right now - if you want a sympathetic ear or a minor gleaming slither of light… am happy to offer a sympathetic ear and who knows , I just as fresh perspective on things may change your outlook and approach…
The power of leadership… Is infectious.
How our group leaders group gets bigger and bigger, organically. (When someone can’t make it - admit it, admit your limitations - extend to others, someone may catch it - and the group becomes bigger).