inner world
When you force people to make decisions with only the rational part of their brain, they almost invariably end up “overthinking.” These rational decisions tend to take longer to make, says Restak, and can often be of lower quality. In contrast, decisions made with the limbic brain, gut decisions, tend to be faster, higher-quality decisions. This is
... See moreSinek, Simon • Start With Why: The Inspiring Million-Copy Bestseller That Will Help You Find Your Purpose
Human beings have evolved two distinct systems for processing information. The first, the explicit system, is rule-based, can be expressed verbally, and is tied to conscious awareness. When the prefrontal cortex is fired up, the explicit system is usually turned on. But when the cold calculus of logic is swapped out for the gut sense of intuition,
... See moreSteven Kotler • The Rise of Superman: Decoding the Science of Ultimate Human Performance
Research shows that intuition originates in the nonverbal regions of our brain, particularly the basal ganglia and anterior cingulate cortex. These regions process patterns outside of our conscious awareness.
When we try to put intuitive insights into words, we often end up with rationalization rather than explanation. The verbal parts of our brain,... See more
When we try to put intuitive insights into words, we often end up with rationalization rather than explanation. The verbal parts of our brain,... See more
George Sudarkoff • Stop Analyzing Your Gut Feelings: A Counter-intuitive Guide to Better Leadership
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